As we continue to push past COVID19 and look toward a better 2022, we’ve been tickling our clients about budgets and planning. In the midst of one of our discussions, one of our clients asked, “what makes a good marketing plan anyway?” To be honest, I was stunned by the question. Not because we didn’t...
With Christmas decorations hitting the storefront as early as late September, it just seems ike Thanksgiving doesn’t get the attention it deserves; I’m not really sure why. Maybe it’s because the holiday falls between Halloween and Christmas, two occasions people really put a lot of effort into. But for me, Thanksgiving is as good as...
When clients ask us to describe the most effective content that can be shared, I always give the answer “if you have the choice, tell emotional stories.” That answer is then followed up with the statement “Trust me, an emotional story will always leave a lasting impression.” From Dove’s “Real Beauty” and Procter & Gamble’s...
Have you ever considered there are tens of thousands of businesses making many millions a year in profits that don’t give any real attention to things like twitter, blogs or Facebook? Are they all wrong? Have they missed out? Or is the joke really on us? Every day these successful companies do business through personal...
A Attitude affects outcome. Bad attitudes will destroy a company. B Believe; and be an advocate for your clients/customers, always. C Collaboration drives the best in creative thinking. D Demand excellence in everything you do. E Engage with energy, efficiency, and enthusiasm. F Forget about being right; Just do what is right. G Growing your...
Think about any and every business that exists around the world. It’s daunting. There are so many brands, so many choices, so many claims, and so much clutter for consumers to navigate that the central challenge for any organization is to break through the clutter…to rise above the fray…to separate from the rest. Wouldn’t you...
I’ve been at this for 40 years and have met many people who I thought, wow, they are really, really smart, articulate and ask great questions. To that end I recently interviewed a candidate for an internship at our shop and was floored by the questions. Here they are, and my answers. WHAT INSPIRES YOU...
When it comes to Southern foods, what could be more iconic than shrimp and grits, right? They’re routinely cited as a classic of the Southern table, and they can be found on the menus at white tablecloth bistros and cafes from Hilton Head Island clear down to Orlando. So iconic is this dish that people...
What is the one-word executives want their companies to be known for but often can’t live up to? Innovative. This word, while overused and often misused, is an important quality and business practice that brands desire, and why they often search for outside partners who are uniquely capable of offering a different perspective, process, and...
There is no more one-size-fits-all approach for businesses looking to engage with consumers. Some may opt to invest in addressable ads in linear TV programming, while others might lean into ad-supported video on demand platforms. For others, a mix of targeted email campaigns and paid social media spend might be more appropriate. The variations are...