A content management system (CMS) is an application that is used to manage web content, allowing multiple contributors to create, edit and publish. Certainly an important component of your Marketing Technology Stack. Content in a CMS is typically stored in a database and displayed in a presentation layer based on a set of templates. The...
Our staff got into a discussion recently on marketing technology stacks. Yes, you might be thinking, why would a boutique advertising agency like 78Madison even care about the subject. Is it even relevant to our clients? The simple answer is, of course it is. Even if it’s only in the smallest of senses, what...
Today’s public relations professionals have skills that propel them much further than the traditionally perceived media relations guru who can write a press release and has key media contacts. The perception of those outside of the public relations industry is what has often leant itself to gratuitous criticism and unattainable results. When deciding on whether or...
The BIG GAME is over, and hopefully you took a peek at our super bowl ad review. If not, check it out on our blog page from last month – www.78madison.com/blogs. Bottom line, whether you bet on the Bucs or the Chiefs, you probably didn’t win or lose as much as Redditors betting on GameStop. ...