Great Creative Still Matters

In a world saturated with information and content, it’s easy to overlook the profound impact that great creative work can have on all of us. Whether it’s a captivating piece of art, an inspiring story, or a powerful message, the essence of creativity lies in its ability to capture our attention, challenge our thinking, and compel us to act. As we say at 78Madison, the best creative concepts do more than entertain or inform – it transforms. It makes you look, think, and move.

Indeed, the first step in the journey of developing great creative work is to make sure the concept will stop consumers in their tracks and make them look. In an age of endless scrolling and fleeting attention spans, grabbing someone’s attention is no small feat. But great creativity has a way of standing out. It captures the eye, not just because it’s visually appealing or different, but because it resonates with something deeper within you. Whether it’s the vivid colors of a painting, the cleverness of an ad design, or the poignancy of a photograph, great creative work compels you to pause, to take a second look, and to truly see.

But great creative doesn’t stop at the surface. Once it has your attention, it invites you to engage with it on a deeper level. It challenges your preconceptions, introduces new perspectives, and sparks your imagination. It makes you think. Perhaps it’s a commercial that explores vacation destinations you had never considered, a piece of writing that delves into the human condition, or a campaign that highlights how a new discovery might transform your life. Whatever the medium, great creative encourages introspection and critical thinking. It raises questions that linger in your mind, prompting you to explore, reflect, and perhaps even change the way you see the world.

Of course, the most powerful aspect of great creative work is that it makes a consumer engage – it stirs something within them that compels action. This could be as simple as sharing a thought-provoking post, as profound as reevaluating your life choices, or as impactful as getting involved in a cause you believe in. Great creative work inspires movement – movement towards a new idea, a new understanding, or a new path. It has the power to ignite change, both within individuals and within society at large.

Truth be told, all of us are called to be creative, whether through advertising, art, writing, music, or any other form of expression.

In a world that is often numb to beauty, truth, and goodness, great creative work has the potential to awaken hearts and minds. It’s a powerful tool for communication, for challenging the status quo, and for encouraging others to live out their lives in a meaningful way. So, as you create, remember the power of your work. Strive to create something that makes people look, think, and move.

In the end, there are a lot of businesses who have a great product, but with that, you need a great product story.  When your message (creativity) is relevant, consumers pay attention.

Joe Bouch


Tell consumers what your business was born to do for them. There is a pure, humanly relevant essence to every brand. The soul. This is where the ignition point for great creative lives.