Starting an Advertising Agency


As I am approaching 46 years in the advertising agency business – from Madison Avenue to Orlando and everything in between – I am often asked what advice I would give to build a winning local advertising agency. Of course I could write a book on such a subject, but ultimately my readers digest answer was that it requires a blend of creativity, strategy, and deep community connections. Bottom line, whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to enhance an existing agency, the following steps can guide you towards success.

ONE, begin with thorough research to understand your local market. Know your audience – the businesses in your area, their target customers, and the unique challenges they face. This understanding allows you to tailor your services to meet the specific needs of local businesses. No, not all markets or needs of that market are alike.

TWO, while it’s tempting to offer a wide range of services – we are full service and offer everything including the kitchen sink – specializing in a niche can set you apart from your competitors. Whether it’s digital marketing for small businesses, branding for startups, or social media management, having a specific focus can help you build a strong reputation and attract the right clients.

THREE, your local presence is a significant advantage. Attend community events, sponsor local causes, and participate in local business groups. These connections can lead to referrals, partnerships, and a strong reputation in the community. This industry is not for the lazy at heart. You must be in the mix of your local community.

FOUR, your clients need to see the value in what you offer. Instead of just selling services, focus on delivering results that matter to them. Whether it’s increasing their customer base, improving their online presence, or boosting their sales, show them how your services directly impact their success. And these can’t just be cliché promises. You must prove you can deliver on your promises.

FIVE, a winning advertising agency, is built on the skills and dedication of its team. Invest in hiring talented individuals who share your vision and commitment. Provide ongoing training to keep your team updated on the latest industry trends and tools. A motivated, knowledgeable team is crucial for delivering top-notch services.

SIX, being found online is vital for local businesses, and this is where local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) comes in. Make sure your advertising agency is easily discoverable by local businesses through optimized content, Google My Business listings, and local keywords. Additionally, offering local SEO as a service to your clients can help them gain more visibility in their own markets.

SEVEN, nothing speaks louder than success stories. As you work with clients, create detailed case studies and gather testimonials to showcase your advertising agency’s impact. These real-life examples build credibility and can be powerful tools in attracting new clients.

EIGHT, the advertising landscape is constantly evolving, especially with the rapid growth of digital marketing. Stay adaptable by keeping up with new trends and technologies. Being an early adopter of new platforms or techniques can give your agency a competitive edge.

NINE, winning in the long run means building strong, lasting relationships with your clients. Go beyond one-off projects and strive to become a trusted partner in their ongoing success. Offer continued support, suggest new strategies, and always look for ways to add value.

TEN, continuously measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and strategies. Use analytics to track what’s working and what isn’t and be prepared to adjust your approach. A commitment to constant improvement will ensure your agency stays ahead of the curve and continues to deliver winning results.

ELEVEN, and perhaps most important, conduct your business with the highest level of integrity. Honest, ethical practices will earn you the trust of your clients and the respect of your peers. Your reputation is one of your most valuable assets and maintaining it through ethical conduct will ensure long-term success.

That’s it!

Building a winning local advertising agency isn’t just about offering services – it’s about creating value, forging relationships, and becoming an integral part of your community. By focusing on understanding your market, delivering results, and maintaining high ethical standards, you can build an agency that not only thrives but also makes a positive impact on the businesses and people around you.

Let me know how you do.

Joe Bouch
CEO, 78Madison

78Madison is a full-service, Orlando, Florida-based marketing, digital, advertising, public relations and social media agency, which specializes in serving business all over Florida and the country. Let’s start a conversation. or (407) 788-7070.

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